Game Town Last Full Update
Ta'Vaalor 68 seconds ago
Ta'Illistim 3 minutes ago
Wehnimer's Landing 9 minutes ago
Zul Logoth 15 minutes ago
Teras Isle 25 minutes ago
Icemule Trace 43 minutes ago
River's Rest 53 minutes ago
Solhaven 67 minutes ago
Four Winds Isle 20 hours ago
Four Winds Isle 3 weeks ago
Ta'Illistim 3 weeks ago
Teras Isle 3 weeks ago
Zul Logoth 3 weeks ago
River's Rest 3 weeks ago
Icemule Trace 3 weeks ago
Solhaven 3 weeks ago
Ta'Vaalor 3 weeks ago
Wehnimer's Landing 3 weeks ago
Icemule Trace 22 months ago
Ta'Illistim 22 months ago
Wehnimer's Landing 43 months ago
Solhaven never
Zul Logoth never
Ta'Vaalor never
River's Rest never
Teras Isle never
Four Winds Isle never


This website catalogs items that are up for sale in the game Gemstone IV.


The game doesn't provide any way to search through the items for sale other than to manually go to each town and each shop and look at every item. With nearly 20,000 items for sale, it would take all day. Even then, comparison shopping would be a nightmare. This problem was orignally solved by Xygon with his playershops site. Xygon has since quit the game and closed his site, resulting in the need for this site.


This website is kept up to date by volunteers who run the Lich script named update-playershops. If you notice your favorite town isn't being updated often enough, all you have to do to help out is download the script from the repository, stand near the town, and run the script.

If you're a shop owner and you would like to update your own shop after changing the inventory, but you don't want to spend the time to update the entire town, you can do a partial update. Just stand outside your shop and run ";update-playershops here".


This site was originally designed by Azanoth with the help of Tillmen. It was eventually completely rewritten by Tillmen with a more sane web framework.


Since 2010.


I don't understand the question. Here... I guess.

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